Fiber Transceiver Solution

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Why Is Optical Fiber Key to Cloud Computing?

In such a digital world, human beings are keen on developing technologies to facilitate daily lives. In order to process and store tons of information, many different forms of storage like CD-ROM, USB Key, and DVD has been developed. However, the above devices can only store limited data, which is not adequate for the information explosion. Thus cloud computing, as an advanced storage solution, appears on the stage. So how to achieve cloud computer? Different voices with different opinions emerge, but from a technician’s standpoint, a reliable cabling connectivity or fiber jumper is key to cloud computing. Whether you agree with my opinion or not, the following article will provide some detailed information about it to help you find out the answer.

What Is Cloud Computing?

The “Cloud” in the term cloud computing, describes an image of the complex infrastructure, covering all the technical details. Obviously, the cloud computing has nothing to do with the weather “cloud”. It is just an analogy to give it a body to imagine. Cloud computing is a model for computing transforming. In this model, data and computation are operated somewhere in a “cloud”, which is some collection of data centers owned and maintained by a third party. This enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.


There are public cloud, private public and hybrid cloud. When a cloud is made available in a pay-as-you-go manner to the general public, we call it a public cloud. And when the cloud infrastructure is operated solely for a business or an organization, it is called private cloud. A composition of public and private cloud is called hybrid cloud. A hybrid cloud integrates the advantages of public cloud and private cloud, where private cloud is able to maintain high service availability by scaling up their system with externally provisioned resources from a public cloud when there are rapid workload fluctuations or hardware failures.

Optical Fiber Is the Key to Cloud Computing

In the “cloud” network, subscribers’ terminals are simplified into a pure and single device with only input and output functions but meanwhile utilize the powerful computing and processing functions from the “cloud”. This means that the terminal must have a very fast connection, because the simple terminal means fast network and powerful platform requirement, where “pipes” are put forward higher requirement. Thus, fiber is the ideal “pipe” for cloud computing. The following image shows the evolution of memory storage.


In fact, computer applications, software and even file storage now reside on the Internet or in the “cloud”. Yet another driving force is mobile Internet traffic, which relies heavily on cloud computing. It is said that there is over 1 Exabyte of data currently stored in the cloud. And this number is growing exponentially every day. The greatest thing that will limit your ability to work seamlessly in the “cloud” is your Internet connection. Thus, to access the tremendous amounts data, we need fiber networks that can carry Terabits—one trillion bits per second. Fiber jumper cables can offer more available bandwidth and speed which meets the demands of the “cloud”. Obviously, no technology is more effective at meeting that challenge than fiber at present.

What’s more, FTTH infrastructure is expected as a solution to meet the growing demands for high bandwidth. It brings fiber optic connections directly into homes, allowing for delivery speeds up to a possible 100 Mbps, or even more. These speeds open the door to a variety of new services and applications for residential, business and public service markets. The relationship between FTTH and cloud computing is subtle. FTTH encourages the growth of cloud computing with its benefits. And cloud computing may in turn drives the development of FTTH.


As cloud computing market continues to mature, current and potential information technology capabilities offers many benefits to our lives. However, just like other new technology advancement, cloud computing also faces many challenges, which requires all of us to form thoughts on the strengths and downfalls of the technology. Fiber optic cable, as an indispensable component of network infrastructure, plays a vital role in cloud computing. After going through the whole passage, do you agree with me? Or what’s your opinion? You can leave your messages to share with us.